
A Journey From Poverty to Provider

Hal Donaldson is not a household name, which is probably OK with him. But his story is remarkable. His journey is an example that God in His providence uses the circumstances and relationships of our past to shape the way He will use us in the future.

Hal’s young years were marked by crisis, loss and poverty. God put people in his path who enabled him to step past bitterness. Surprised by significant questions about the course of his life as a young adult, Hal’s journey took a major detour.

As Hal said, “When you are poor, you want to do anything you can to never be poor.” Now he is giving away anything he can get his hands on to help those in need. As founder and CEO, Hal has led Convoy of Hope to distribute over $1 billion of supplies to 130 million people around the world. Whether they are feeding hundreds of thousands of school children each day, responding to families who have lost everything in the path of a devastating tornado, or helping women in Third World countries establish new businesses, Convoy of Hope is determined to be a channel of God’s blessings.